

Race Schedule

Woodbridge CourseMap.pdf

Updated Course Map

T-shirt pre-orders

The t-shirt pre-order has been submitted so it is no longer possible to add to it. However, in the past they have had extra t-shirts available to purchase at the event, so there is a chance that you can purchase one there, but no guarantees.

Parking passes are available online only, and MUST be purchased prior to arrival, at this link:

Total cost for parking is $22 (I know, expensive...). There are not a lot of free parking available without walking a mile or so to the event, so please plan on carpooling to save money. Also, the parking lots closer to the venue sell out fast, get get your parking pass ASAP

Please follow the parking and driving instructions below, do not follow google maps or Waze, only follow the below instructions

Driving and Parking Instructions to the Great Park

Driving Directions


Parking Lot Maps