Athletic Clearance

Before you can practice, compete, or even try out for a sport, you need to be properly cleared to do so. Below is a document outlining the steps you need to follow. If you run into any problems, or just have questions, please do not hesitate to ask us.

Coach Mungai

Coach Guthrie

Last saved a few seconds ago


Rancho Alamitos Athletics

Students ​must​ go through the clearance process each school year if they

plan on trying out for a sport or competing in athletics.

A student or parent may go online to complete the process, however both students and parents

must electronically sign some of the forms. Go to the web address below to get started. 

It should take approximately 20 minutes to complete the process

Click on CA

Click on REGISTER....if you have done this process before then you can just login again

and your information should still be there(just make changes that are necessary)

Make sure you select the correct school year and your correct grade(f​or example if you

are an 8th grader filling this out in June of 2020 you should be doing the clearance for

the 20-21 school year and selecting 9th grade)

Most of the process is filling out contact information, but you will need Insurance

Company name and policy #

The last page on the clearance site “parent consent” form ​does not​ need to be turned in

There is nothing you need to print out or upload to the site.

The donation part is something we cannot take out of the clearance program(just click

the “back to clearance button” to skip).....if you wish to donate it will take you to the

paypal site. Once a month the clearance company will send a check to the school if

donations have been made(they are not sport specific, it goes to the school) 

If you are a transfer student, do not fill out the transfer part online. Your coach or athletic

director will give you paperwork to fill out.(please let your coach know you are a transfer



When you make your appointment to get your physical, make sure they know it is only 

for a Sports Physical, and not a regular full physical. Sports physicals are typically quicker to schedule, so 

you should not have to wait weeks for your appointment. Once you have the physical form filled out and completed 

(making sure it is signed and dated), then you can upload the form using your phone/tablet/ or computer to "scan" it 

in and send it to the athletic clearance site. 


What still needs to be turned in to the coach or athletic


Nothing!   Everything is submitted online, no need to turn anything physical in. After the online clearance has been done, and a physical has been uploaded, the Athletic Director will go online and click “cleared”

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Please click on the links below to print out the Doctor's Physical Form, as well as the Summer Sports Form (for Cross Country).

After these forms are completed, please turn in to your Coach (DO NOT TURN IN TO THE OFFICE)

Physical Forms

Summer Sports Form